Sunday, December 13, 2009

red bull shots

I love that feeling after you drink a bunch of caffeine in very little time, and the effects hit you like a wall. I actually like the slight caffeine headache and the visual blur- its like the whole world gets its volume turned down, and my mind gets dragged along these huge arrows that point to what I need to be doing, screaming that it needs to get back to work.

Here, work=physics. I WILL do better on this 8.012 final than I did on the midterm. This means +87%, but if I can get into that hyperfocus state that lets me do amazing stuff like memorize 400 pages of a history textbook in a few hours, I think I'll be set. I wish I could focus like that all the time, but whenever I hyperfocus I feel like I'm on an adrenaline high for at least a week, and I can't eat for at least that long. So I suppose that would be bad.

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